What is a STEM Learning Community?

STEM Learning Communities (SLCs) are structured according to the student experience such as first-year student, community college transfer student and/or Math level. We want to ensure you share your first-semester experience with students on a similar journey!

All SLCs have a Success in STEM course, they may include a Math or Chemistry, and/or a General Education Course.

students talking around a table

Success in STEM Course

student working on a project

Linked Course: STEM

STEM Student Success Course

Each STEM Learning Community has a 1-credit first-semester success course that is led by an undergraduate peer educator. This class will provide a solid foundation on how to navigate your college journey as a STEM student at the University of Arizona. Create international connections. Help build trust in relationships

STEM Linked Course

You will have a STEM-linked course such as a Math, Chemistry, or Engineering course. These linked courses are already part of your STEM-required courses.