Success in STEM Course

Success in STEM is a one-credit course designed to provide you with a solid foundation to navigate the University of Arizona as a STEM student. In this course, you will have the opportunity to connect and engage with a small community of your peers and a peer educator to explore college navigation and success tools and process your experiences as a University of Arizona student. You will also have the opportunity to unpack and explore your interest in a societal impact area through your unique context and collaborate with your peers to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of societal impact and global change.

The Success in STEM Experience

Unpack Success Tips, Strategies, and Resources

Dive into actionable tips, strategies, and invaluable on-campus resources tailored to your journey to success in STEM.

Explore Your STEM Identity & Societal Impact

Explore the intersections of your STEM interests, aspirations and efforts to contribute to global change. Understand your unique role as a scholar and professional to contribute to meaningful change.

Connect With a Community of Your Peers

Connect with a peer mentor and foster meaningful relationships with other STEM peers. Find support, collaboration, and community as you embark on an exciting journey as STEM students at the University of Arizona!

For more information about Success in STEM, please contact our Curriculum & Training Manager and Lead Instructor at